So much did I initially detest and dislike the idea of me going to the military......
I had thought it was but a waste of time, a waste of energy in an effort to promote violence and unnecessary action-drama fueled by the un-wise and stupendous attribute of the dark side of present societal propaganda.
Oh gee, well, I was wrong^^
You see, I'd have a problem being in the Korean military if our military system was based on the idea of 'attacking our enemies' or anything of the similar sort invoking first-hand violence. But after my month long BCT(Basic Combat Training) at the Korea Army Training Centre, I have come to realize that our military operational system is that of a defensive stance, rather than a violent offensive one.
Our enemy is of course, good ol' North Korea. The educational lectures over at the Training base given by high ranking officers always seemed to stress on the fact that we've been having constant provocations from the Northerners, to which I often shook a nod in agreement.
Ze Enamee!
Delving further into detail, we were taught how potentially dangerous and ruthless North Korea can be to us if it decides to wage another war. Besides,we're still at war! The North-South Korean peninsula is at a state of Ceasefire - the Korean War had never ended - and a Peace Treaty was never signed.
The KPA(Korea People's Army) outnumbers the ROKA (Republic of Korea Army) by a 1.8 ratio! Imagine that!
Forget the Armies of the two countries, North Korea has roughly twice the number of war machines and twice the number of the whole military combined.
Scary stuff eh?
Ah, but here comes the catch. We're strong! We are allies with the USA and about 20000 US soldiers are in garrison within Korea of which I am a part of :
The U.S.F.K.(United States Forces Korea)
Click on picture if you wish to know more!
And besides, the Northerners eat potato balls for their meals. why North Korea is watchful and careful when dealing with us.
So much as we would LOVE to improve our relationship with N.K.(apart from a select few), it does seem we're getting slapped off by a cold hand as they keep provoking us through a variety of attacks.(For their own reasons, goodness knows what.)
The most recent provocation -The YeongPyoungDo Artillery Bombing (영평도 포격 사건)
Click on picture for more info.
Thusly, the ROKA, or the totality of the South Korean Military has a singular purpose - to defend our great country of South Korea from the North.
And hence, my service to my country is not wasted, but utilized for a higher purpose - to keep my country safe. South Korea was devastated and in ruins after the Korean War. But we have come THIS long. We have not only survived, but flourished - to let the name of our country be known worldwide! In sports, in technology, in innovation, in culture, and in music and entertainment, we have come a long way!
It would be a waste to see all of it in ruins if N.K. suddenly went nuts and started another war.
So to stop it, I am here.
To protect and defend, I exist.
I am a R.O.K.A. soldier.
To my country, to my people, and to my dearest readers, with respect I salute.
I shall commence writing soon, whenever I have time.:) This is Part I of a 5 part blog which I have planned to write about the military life.
Part I was an introduction, an overview of a few facts and the reason for the existence of a mandatory military enlisting country. The following parts will be about other aspects of the military life, both fun and informative to the open and asking mind.^^
Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading this. You will have a good day ahead. I promise. I sprinkled magic dust on these words......^^
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